Filthy Rich Read online

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  I’ve waited for this all my life, but I can wait a bit longer. She’s worth it.

  I pull away and her eyes lift to meet mine. “Don’t you want to kiss me?” Her lashes flutter and somehow, my cock defies science and grows even harder.

  “Fuck, yes.”

  Our mouths crash. Our breaths falter. I pull her in, slamming her round, supple breasts against my chest and groan with the satisfaction of a starving man who’s finally tasted heaven. Our tongues dance, dragging and writhing like wild animals. Her kiss fills every hollow space inside. Her warmth, the taste of her breath, the feel of her soft lips, makes my body ache with an undeniable need to claim her and drown in this unbounded joy.

  Ava’s mine.

  My heart recognized her the moment we met.



  “What’s the matter with you? I thought you liked him. You told me you made it to second base. You said you came close to rounding third. Wait a minute, you didn’t fool around on this couch, did you?” Bella pats the cushion next to her and pretends she’d vacate the pink cloud even if I said yes.

  “You know how I feel about my couch. We took it to the bedroom. And I never said we came close to third. Tonight, is our third official date and although I’m physically ready to add some tricks to our repertoire, I’m not sure we’ll make it that far. I may need to have the talk with him.” I hang my head and sniff the fresh flowers delivered this morning.

  “Why are you complaining? Declan is hot. He’s rich. He seems smart and he’s crushing hard on you. This is not something to bitch about. Sneaking over to your friend’s house while she’s out on outrageous dates with a billionaire just so you can watch television on the most comfortable couch in New York—now, that’s something to bitch about.” She rolls her eyes and covers herself with a blanket.

  “It’s awesome, isn’t it?” I knew she’d come around.

  She nods. “Too awesome. I may never leave.”

  “I’m not saying he’s not wonderful. He is. But these dates are ridiculous. They’re so over the top. I don’t understand why he’s not listening to me. I’ve repeatedly asked for quiet, meaningful time together. Does he think I’m being disingenuous? I mean, what kind of girl wants to take a private jet to dine in another state on the first date?” I release a heavy breath and lay back on the shag rug, another incredible buy.

  “I see how that man looks at you. Tell him how you feel and give him a chance to make it better. It’s not like you to stay silent. For crying out loud Ava, he bought you jewelry. You know the last time a man bought me expensive jewelry? Never.” She pats my foot in a show of solidarity and fakes a sympathetic smile.

  She’s never been good with displaying affection.

  With a heavy heart, I drag my behind off the floor and stagger into my bedroom, leaving Bella to continue her series marathon. She’s right. I shouldn’t complain. Declan gets better and better every date. He’s sexy and fun. He’s kind and thoughtful. His kisses make me swoon. His hands are magic. The sound of his voice whispering nasty things keeps me in a perpetual state of arousal from the moment he arrives until the second he leaves. And I think he loves me. He says he does. Surely, he’s waiting for me to return the sentiment.

  But, I can’t. Not yet.

  I want to say it. It seems rushed and nonsensical, but I know we’re falling into something bigger than us. I feel fate is pushing us together every time I’m in his arms. But I’m not sure this works for me.

  The attraction is real. It’s magnetic. Every minute I spend in his company is an exercise in torture. And as much as I want to fall into the flames and let him carry us to this fantasy conclusion, my instincts keep me grounded.

  I need a man who inspires me to build a nest. I want someone dedicated to me and our family. Throwing money at me won’t keep me quiet. My father threw money at my mother. He bought her a palatial home, expensive cars and came home with trinkets to placate her into silence. Work was his life. Money was his life. We were the hobbies he only remembered when his other life grew unbearable. I won’t settle for something similar.

  Declan’s reached a certain age. There are boxes that need to be checked. But I can’t fill all the empty spaces and give his life meaning. That’s not my job. Some changes come from within, and I’m not sure he knows how to meet me halfway.

  Our first evening out, we walked hand in hand to the coffee shop around the corner and spent three hours exchanging life stories. It was bliss. Like something out of a movie. We ate scones and drank tea. Nothing grand, just two people sharing the same space and slowly falling in love. Declan refuses to call it a real date, but it’s by far my favorite.

  The following night, everything changed. Declan McCormick, CEO of McCormick Media arrived in a Roll Royce Phantom and made it his mission to wow me with spectacular extravagance. I wasn’t impressed. On the contrary, I was slightly appalled. I put on a happy face, but it felt pretentious and rehearsed. There was no need to drive to Teterboro Airport and board a private jet for D.C., strictly for the purpose of dining at one of his favorite restaurants. We live in New York. There are fine dining establishments in every borough. And that ridiculously overpriced meal wasn’t half as good as the little Italian café I recommended.

  He could tell I was disgruntled but he never asked why. I should have said something. It’s not like me to keep quiet in the face of disappointment. When he promised something less excessive for date number two, I believed him and technically, he didn’t lie.

  Tickets to a Broadway show are significantly less extravagant than jetting off for dinner, but he missed the point. He presented me with balcony seats for a musical everyone knows is booked solid until next year. It was out of this world. We had a nice time, but it was wholly unnecessary.

  Although, he made up for his shortcomings with two hours of heavy petting that left me breathless, we would’ve had a much better time staying in and ordering pizza.

  I’m not looking forward to tonight.

  At 10:00am, I received my daily shipment of flowers. He’s cut it down to one arrangement, which I appreciate, but this time he added an extra surprise. Earrings. Diamond earrings from Cartier with a request that I wear them this evening. My blood pressure skyrocketed. He promised this evening would be different. He promised simple. He swore we’d hang out and let the evening unfold on its own. Diamond Cartier earrings don’t exactly mesh with the pajama pants and tank top I plan to wear.

  People have been throwing money at me since I was a kid, and all for the sake of avoiding quality time. My Dad is the king, but Mom is no slouch. Shopping trips appeased her guilt. Presents replaced her attendance at my recitals and competitions. I don’t want a family like mine. I know this is different. Declan tries to give me his time, but money builds barriers. Money makes it easy to keep people at arm’s length and I’m not falling in love with someone like my parents.

  Tonight is important. It’s not a test, but if it were, I suspect Declan is hours away from failing it.

  I just hope I’m wrong.



  Something wrong. She’s not herself. Her annoyance is palpable and I know I’m the reason. It’s unacceptable. I have one real job. This company can be managed by my brother. God knows, it’s about time he gets off his ass and do some real work. The board of directors can oversee our companies in Europe and Asia. But no one else can take care of Ava. That’s my job and I’ll be damned if I let anyone else try.

  I can’t ruin this. I can do better. In a few short days, my obsession has grown by leaps and bounds. Losing her is not an option. I asked for a chance. A real chance. And she gave it to me. I don’t know what’s going through her mind, but I need to find out.

  Fortunately, I have a hunch someone will tell me.

  “Thanks for meeting me on such short notice.” I stand and wait for the maitre’d to pull out Bella Hamilton’s chair and slide her in. We met at Ava’s place after we arrived late from our first date and dis
covered her passed out on the couch, but this is the first time we speak alone.

  She shrugs and reaches for her menu. “You’re welcome. You interrupted my afternoon plans, but you said it was important.”

  “It is. Thanks again. I’m seeing Ava tonight and I have a feeling she’s holding something back. Do you know what it is? Do you know what I’m doing wrong?”

  She takes a sip of water and adjusts the napkin on her lap. “I have some ideas. But why should I tell you? These are things a man should discover on his own.”

  I nod. “You’re right, but I don’t have time to play around and get this wrong. Losing Ava will break me.”

  She sighs and butters a piece of bread. “And what happens if I tell you? What are your intentions with my best friend? Where is this going?”

  “It’s going all the way. To marriage. To babies. Ava is the one. I can’t breathe without her.” I lean in to make my point.

  A serious pout makes her bottom lip tremble. Tears flood her eyes. “Hush up. You’re killing me. And I want to help, but I’ll need some concessions.”

  I crease my brow in utter confusion. “Concessions?”

  She nods and wipes a tear. “I don’t want you knocking her up, yet.” She stabs her index finger into the table. “No babies for at least five years. We’ve got this planned out. Ava and I want our kids to grow up together and I’ve got 2024 marked on the calendar for pregnancies.” She rests back in her chair and crosses her arms on her chest. She’s serious. I can tell by her expression she means business.

  I hold my hands up in protest. “I’m thirty-eight. I can’t wait five years. I’ll be forty-three.”

  “Do you want my help, or not?” She huffs and shoves a piece of bread in her mouth.

  “Not five years. How about two years? Sorry, one and a half.” I try to compromise but I mean none of it. If I have my way and Ava’s consent, I’m ramming it home this week.

  She gasps. “How the shit am I supposed to catch up in a year? I need time to have a relationship and marry. Most men are not eager to drag a girl down the aisle and that says nothing about me finding the one.” She mimics rabbit ears with her hands and blows hair out of her face.

  I’m hit with the hard realization that Ava is the sensible one in this friendship. I knew she was mature for her age but I had nothing to compare it to. It’s been well over a decade since I’ve kept company with a nineteen-year-old girl. Trying to reason with Bella reminds me of conversations I have with my brother. He’s impossible.

  Oh shit, that might work.

  It’s a little known fact that Jude has a strange fascination with Molly Ringwald. He’s had it for years. Maybe, since middle school. Of course, he’ll deny it to his grave, but I’ve walked into his house many times and found him watching one of her movies.

  Bella’s hardly a carbon copy. She’s prettier and not quite as irritating, but that wavy red hair and big brown eyes might trigger something in that idiot’s subconscious.

  “What if I fix you up with someone?” I blurt out the words before I’ve had time to think about the consequences. Jude could hurt her. She could hurt him. No, I’m not worried about that scenario. But I’d hate to anger Ava over my carelessness.

  Her ears perk up. “With who?”

  “My younger brother, Jude. He’s the Chief Marketing Officer and planned to hire Ava for an internship. It’s still available. Ava told me you took classes in graphic design and illustration. You’re a much better fit.” I give her a fake smile and wait if she takes the bait.

  “Ava said it was unpaid.” She raises an eyebrow.

  “That’s easy to fix. You don’t even have to accept. Take the interview and see if there’s a connection. That’s much less awkward than a blind date.” I give her a thumbs up.

  She nods. “Fine. Set this interview up. I’ll give it a whirl. But he better not be a freak.”

  “He’s harmless.” I lie. From what I’ve heard, my little brother is one of the biggest freaks in Manhattan. “Now, will you tell me what’s bugging Ava?”

  She waves a dismissive hand. “Fine. You’re too much.”

  My jaw drops. “What?”

  “These insane dates are driving her crazy. Ava isn’t impressed by money. Wealth embarrasses her. She grew up crazy filthy rich but swears she’s middle class. Yeah, right. Her mom lives in Beacon Hill and her father has a place off Park. That ain’t middle class.” She stops abruptly to give her order to the waiter and leaves me hanging.

  “Listen. The more you throw money at her, the more you piss her off. You want to win her over? You want to seal the deal?” The rabbit ears return.

  “Of course, I do.” I slap my hand on the table.

  “Then show up tonight with groceries and cook for her. She’s never had that with anyone but maids. Growing up she ate dinner alone every night because her parents preferred work over their daughter. Do you understand where I’m going with this?” She mumbles through bread.

  I nod. “Yeah, I do. I really love her, you know.” I grab the last piece of bread before she has time to inhale it.

  “Yeah, I know. Now, tell me about your brother. Is he hot?”



  I hold my breath and buzz him in. Panic sets in. I’ve worn a low-cut tank top, hoping it softens the blow when I tell him I’m unhappy with the way things are going. I don’t want it to end. But it can’t continue as it is. Something needs to change fast.

  Expecting his knock, I wait by the door and peer through the peek hole. With each labored breath, my breasts heave into my line of vision and remind me how wrong this can go if I don’t stick to my guns. A kiss and a squeeze and I may not finish my first sentence.

  There’s a knock.

  I look out one more time and see Declan in a ratty t-shirt and jeans. My heart swells. Are we really having a night at home? What in the world is he carrying? Jesus, I hope he didn’t buy me something.

  With hope in my heart, I swing the door open and my mouth drops. He’s brought groceries. Oh my lord, he brought groceries.

  “Declan!” I smile from ear to ear and watch his expression alter from jovial to erotic.

  “What are you wearing?” He shuffles through the door, locks it, and carries the bags into the kitchen.

  “Jammies. They’re comfy. What did you bring? Are you really cooking for me?” I follow behind, excited to see what’s for dinner.

  “Yes, Chicken Florentine. My aunt’s recipe. I promised I’d Face Time her when I make the sauce.” He chuckles, slams the fridge door and turns to face me.

  The look in his eyes is undeniable. No, I’m terrible at reading men. It looks like lust, but it could be anger. Before I can determine which one it is, he takes my hand and pulls me into his chest.

  His mouth covers mine. I gasp and then shamelessly give in without an ounce of fight. His hands encircle my waist, slide down to my ass and lift me into the air. My legs encase him as I climb higher on his torso, rub my damp crotch on his stomach and sink into his kiss.

  “Are you happy, baby?” He holds me still and gazes into my eyes. The depth of his green pools drag me under and drown me in a tidal wave of desire. This is better than Bella’s billionaire romances. This is real. Declan’s my true love. The love I never believed was real. If we spend our lives half as happy as I feel in this moment, I’ll die with a smile on my lips.

  I nod and a whimper escapes. “I am. Thank you for this. I was afraid you didn’t understand me.”

  He smiles and licks my lips. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen right away. If my lady wants to stay home and have her man cater to her, then I’ll do it religiously.”

  I wrap my legs tighter around his back and kiss his sassy mouth. “You can start now.”

  A low hum becomes an eager growl. “Do you mean it? Are you sure?” His big mitts dig into my flesh and squeeze. I squeal, nod, and press my lips to his.

  Craving more, he slams his chest against mine, kisses me deeper and grinds his hard cock ag
ainst my crotch. Butterflies swirl. My body shudders in his grasp and my long-dormant hormones make me lose my mind. When he groans against my lips, a warm hum ignites my smoldering passion and twists it into a raging bonfire.

  Declan marches us into the bedroom, but when he turns the knob, I feel the need to confess my dark secret. “You should know something. I told you I didn’t have much experience in this arena and that’s true. But it’s far more accurate to say, I have no experience whatsoever.”

  His eyes grow freakishly large. “Baby? Are you serious?” His look of concern is hard to maintain through his stifled grin.

  I nod and whisper. “Are you okay with it? Are you okay making love to a virgin?” I give him a fake pout that brings a full smile to his lips.

  “I’m in fucking heaven, Ava. Nothing has ever been more okay than this moment right now.”

  As he moves us closer to the bed, his kisses trail down my neck and across my chest. His breath prickles my skin. His tongue dances across my cleavage and sends shivers to my core. His five o’clock shadow tickles and titillates me into action.

  Pushing him away, I pull my tank top over my head and toss it across the room. When he smothers his face in my breasts, I wedge my fingers between us and pop the latch. He doesn’t hesitate. His hot mouth finds my tight nipple and my brain explodes with endorphins. When he suckles and tugs my sensitive flesh, my spiked arousal leaves me breathless. His mouth, his lips, his tongue pull and tease without mercy. He’s ruthless, and yet I beg for more.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for more?” He croons, tosses me forward, pulls off my pants and kisses his way down my abdomen. I watch with bated breath as his tongue travels lower. With a smile on his face, he sinks his teeth into the hem of my panties, pulls them down and tosses them off the bed. I swear, they actually fly.